left to use your balance in the CapMetro App
Get ready for the new Umo payment app, updated fare cards & tap-to-pay.

Customize your commute with Transit
We have partnered with Transit's app to provide real-time schedules to plan and track your trip (with Bikeshare too!). Learn more & download Transit.
Latest News

We Are Hiring
Join our team and serve your community! Explore our open positions and learn more more about these exciting opportunities.

Spring Service Change
In the next few months, CapMetro is introducing major changes to our service include 2 new Rapid lines and a new Pickup Decker zone. Get the details.
Testing New Rapid Buses
Training buses that are not in service are currently on the road. These buses are being tested for the two new Rapid lines being introduced this spring.

Try CapMetro Bikeshare NOW
We have started rolling out brand new, electric assist bikes and stations. Get the app and check our open stations.

Your Weekend Plans are Sorted
Check out the places you can go with family and friends on CapMetro in our guide!

Our Transit Store Moved
The new location opened on January 22 at 1705 Guadalupe St. Get all the information.