Major Projects
CapMetro has lot going on at all times, and we're always looking for ways to improve our services and facilities so that we can provide an excellent customer experience for you. We want to make transit the best possible choice for getting where you need to go. See below for what's coming your way.
Current Projects
CapMetro Rail Improvements
As part of Project Connect, CapMetro is making improvements along the 32-mile Rail line, including adding new stations like McKalla Station outside the Q2 Stadium. We are improving signaling and adding new track to improve frequency of service.
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CapMetro Rapid Improvements
We are building 4 new Rapid routes as part of Project Connect. The Pleasant Valley Line and Expo Line broke ground in the winter of 2021-22 and are scheduled to go into service in 2025.
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Project Connect
As part of Project Connect, CapMetro oversees implementation of several projects including the expansion of CapMetro Rail, CapMetro Rapid, Pickup and Park & Rides.
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Red Line Trail Study
This study is a crucial step towards the long-term vision for Red Line Trail in Central Texas and aims to provide a consistent and clear path forward for delivering the trail with our partners in the region.
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Zero Emission Fleet
A critical part of Project Connect is the conversion of our fleet to zero-emission vehicles. It will be key to the region's efforts to maintain our high quality of life and protect its natural beauty and clean air. In 2021, our board approved the purchase of nearly 200 electric buses. This will occur over the next several years and counts as the nation's largest electrical vehicle procurement.
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Future Projects
North Base Demand Response Facility & Centralized Warehouse
We aim to meet the demands of our growing CapMetro Access & Pickup ridership by building a LEED certified, sustainably built and thoughtfully designed workplace and warehouse that generates workforce opportunities and supports the local community.
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Transit Plan 2035
CapMetro’s blueprint for public transit in Central Texas. The plan will outline strategies to update transit services, upgrade infrastructure and better meet your needs over the next 5-10 years. We are currently engaging the community for your feedback.
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Completed Projects
Downtown Station
Our Downtown Station is a welcoming public space in the heart of downtown near the Austin Convention Center. The station, when combined with improvements along the 32-mile MetroRail line and Project Connect's new services, better connects the entire region to opportunity.
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Eastside Bus Plaza
Built in partnership with CARTS, the Richard Moya Eastside Bus Plaza is a Park & Ride location that connects customers south and east of the CapMetro service area to the CapMetro transit system.
In addition to CARTS routes, you can hop aboard Route 2, Route 4 and Route 217.
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